Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Project Quick Cash Review

There has been a lot of buzz this week about Project Quick Cash and I've
finally been able to wrestle myself away from the computer long
enough to print it out and give it a good read.

I have to say this ebook gave me mixed feelings.
Let me explain why:

** Surefire Tactics to Make Some Dough **

This is why I loved it. I was already familiar
with many of the 5 tactics in the book (although
1 really caught me by surprise). These tactics
are well explained and documented and I can tell
you without the shadow of a doubt: they make money,
more on that in a minute.

** Quick but Limited Cash **

Now don't take this the wrong way because it
would be a big mistake to do so, but Project
Quick Cash will NOT make you a million dollars.

The tactics are rock solid, but I would be
surprised if you could get over $500 a day applying
them. It just doesn't scale that well. That being
said, if a guaranteed extra $100 a day would make a
big impact on your life, then don't even think of
skipping the rest of this email.

** Quick Cash Tactics Exposed **


This was my favorite tactic in the book.
It's a pretty obvious one when you think about
it, but it caught me by surprise because even
in my rather imposing experience, I have never
thought to do this.

Well Project Quick Cash changed that and I
immediately gave it a spin. The results were
instant and they blew me away. You see,
this tactic shows you how to capitalize on
trends and buzz before the market has the
chance to catch up.

It sounds like a good idea, but if you
don't know how to do it, you'd likely be
hard up to figure it out. When I read about
it in Project Quick Cash, it was demonstrated
so simply I couldn't resist trying it.

I setup a campaign in about 80 minutes and banked
$30 from a 4 dollar ad spend on the first day.
And the same thing on the second day.

Very very easy money at over 800% ROI.

-- >

This is a spin off of the first method but
it works by sucking traffic out of social
networking sites. While the theory is valid,
it certainly wouldn't be my first choice of
tactic from Project Quick Cash


This is something I used to do a lot of and
that has been the first stepping stone of
many success stories. It requires a little
sneakiness but it really can work wonders.

In fact I remember reading that Russell Brunson
started it all doing something similar, so that
gives you an idea how far this can take you.
You just have to take it to the next level
when the time comes.

-- >

This is an explosive and well explained way
to get the cheapest traffic imaginable from
Adwords. Dirt Cheap. And Dead on Target.

This is the best converting traffic out there
when you do it right. It's very well explained
in Project Quick Cash and could cover the cost
of your investment right there.

There is a complete ebook on the market explaining
the same subject. If you've bought that book
then you know what I'm referring to here. If
you haven't, then there is a huge gap in your
traffic generation methods and you have a
chance to close it here.


This is one of the simplest ways to generate
a big hit of cash overnight. I've used this
tactic in the past on several occasions and
it never failed to make bank.

In fact, I showed a buddy of mine some secrets
from my bag of tricks and he made$3000 last week
on the launch of Google Assassin using a very
similar tactic to the one found in Project Quick

A simple word of warning on this: if you are
unwilling to get creative at all, you will hit
major competition. If you are willing to think
just a smidgen, then this is covert affiliate
cash blasts at their best.

-- >
So that's the story. If you're making over
$200 a day as a full time marketer, I doubt
you will be blown away. However, if you are
struggling and an extra $500 a week with little
or no investment would really help right now,
you'll be pleasantly surprised to see Project
Quick Cash not only puts it within your grasp
but practically hands it to you on a silver platter.

Check it out for yourself:

-- >



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